Jump zone means the space bounded by the maximum designed movements of the jumper or any part of the jumper.
Jump zone means the space bounded by the maximum designed movements of the bungee jumper.
Jump zone means an imaginary volume which extends downward from the jump point for a distance equal to the maximum stretched length of the bungee cord system. The extent of the volume in the direction of the intended jump is equal to fifty per cent of the maximum stretched length of the bungee cord system. The fifty per cent value applies to both fore and aft directions from the jump point. The extent of the volume at the jump point, perpendicular to the intended jump direction, is equal to ten per cent of the maximum stretched length of the bungee cord system and twenty five per cent at the bottom of the jump.
More Definitions of Jump zone
Jump zone means the maximum designed area in all directions within which the jumper could come in contact with the ground while attached to the bungee cord.