Examples of Coastal zone in a sentence
In: Sloan, NA (ed), Living Marine Legacy of Gwaii Haanas V: Coastal zone values and management around Haida Gwaii.
Coastal Zone ManagementSea erosion, CRZ Notification, Prohibitions and exemptions, Permissible activities, Classification of zones, Regulations of sea resorts, Eco-tourism, Coastal zone management plans, Aquaculture.Unit-4.
The Draft ICZM Policy provides that the Coastal zone consists of a closely connected terrestrial and marine environment.
Session GM12.6 Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors, continued the CCS focus on mechanisms responsible for coastal erosion and shoreline behaviour (advance or retreat), addressing also the many natural and anthropogenic factors involved.
Coastal zone management in the Republic of Croatia takes place through local governments (cities and municipalities).