Examples of KCRC System in a sentence
The applicable percentage will vary according to the amount of revenue generated from the KCRC System for each financial year as follows: for the first HK$2.5 billion of revenue generated from the KCRC System, the applicable percentage will be 0.0%; for the next HK$2.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 10.0%; for the next HK$2.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 15.0%; for revenue generated from the KCRC System above HK$7.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 35.0%.
The applicable percentage will vary according to the amount of revenue generated from the KCRC System for each financial year as follows: for the first HK$2.5 billion of revenue generated from the KCRC System, the applicable percentage will be 0.0%; for the next HK$2.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 10.0%; for the next HK$2.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 15%; for revenue generated from the KCRC System above HK$7.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 35.0%.
The applicable percentage will vary according to the amount of revenue from the KCRC System for the relevant financial year as follows: for the first HK$2.5 billion of revenue from the KCRC System, the applicable percentage will be 0.0%; for the next HK$2.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 10.0%; for the next HK$2.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 15.0%; for the revenue from the KCRC System above the first HK$7.5 billion, the applicable percentage will be 35.0%.
Such Variable Annual Payments will provide the Company with a certain degree of protection against the risks associated with future adverse changes in the KCRC System Revenue as the amount of the Variable Annual Payments will vary with the revenue attributable to the KCRC System.
As the key factors affecting the rail and related cashflows of MTRC and KCRC are similar, we believe it is reasonable to use an estimate of MTRC’s WACC as an approximation of the discount rate that reflects the risks associated with the Adjusted KCRC System Cashflows.
This relates to the challenge of developing and reusing inference models.
We have assumed: (i) a range of nominal growth rates of between 1.0% and 3.0% which are applied to the steady-state, pro-forma Year 4 cashflow for KCRC System of HK$530 million calculated in Table 2 above; and (ii) a WACC range of between 9.0% and 11.0%.
However, from a valuation standpoint, the Service Concession could be considered to be similar to an outright acquisition since the value to MTRC of any incremental cashflows generated by the KCRC System after year 50 will be minimal in present value terms.
The Company believes that the structure also offers some protection against future adverse changes in patronage and fares of the KCRC System as explained below.The payment structure of the rail component includes the Upfront Payments, the Fixed Annual Payments and the Variable Annual Payments for the Concession Period.
Breach of the MTR Ordinance or the Operating Agreement with respect to the Franchise relating to the KCRC System may potentially result in fines and/or, in an extreme case, revocation of the Franchise relating to the MTRC Services.