Examples of KPI Default in a sentence
If, after 10 Business Days you have not proposed an action plan, which in our reasonable opinion, is likely to remedy the KPI Default and/or ensure that such KPI Default is not repeated, or if such plan is otherwise unacceptable to us, then we shall be entitled to apply a Sanction and the provisions of Clause 24 of the Standard Terms shall apply.
The proceeds of this private placement were used for Phase 2 of the buildout of the Tier 2 data centre, including the purchase and installation of 30 high density racks, fire suppression system, a security system, and a redundant cooling condenser.
Without prejudice to any of our other rights under this Contract in the event that you commit a KPI Default: • in any KPI Period then you shall notify us of each such KPI Default; • in respect of the same KPI in any 3 out of 9 consecutive KPI Periods, then this shall be a material breach of this Contract.
In the event of a KPI Default against any KPI, we may require you to produce, within 10 Business Days of our written request, a detailed action plan which sets out the clear steps you will take, (including the time period in which you will take those steps) to remedy the KPI Default and/or to ensure that such KPI Default is not repeated.
Where a KPI Default occurs in relation to KPI 7a, 7b or 7c (and representations have been considered) we may require you to conduct a file review process as part of any action plan.
We may, at our sole discretion, waive the KPI Default for that KPI Period.
The Operator must pay KPI Credits to TfNSW for a KPI Default of a KPI specified in the KPI Credit Table other than where non-compliance with a KPI is as a result of an Excused Performance Incident for which the Operator has been granted KPI Relief in accordance with Schedule 3 (Payment Schedule).
In respect of KPI 7a, 7b and 7c, where there is a KPI Default we may consider representations from you, where you believe that the KPI could not reasonably be achieved in the relevant KPI Period given the composition of Cases allocated to you.
Subject to paragraph 5.1 of this Schedule 4, in the event of a KPI Default of a KPI specified in the KPI Credit Table, the Operator must pay to TfNSW a KPI Credit as calculated below.
Subject to paragraph 5.4(b), if more than one KPI Default has occurred in a single month, the Operator must credit the sum of the corresponding KPI Credits to TfNSW in accordance with Schedule 3 (Payment Schedule).