Examples of Lateral Pipe in a sentence
Mr. Salmon also explained the options other than the CIPP Lining, which included Lateral Pipe and Pressure Pipe.
The bidder will take in full payment, therefore, the following price, to wit: Item NumberEstimated QuantityBrief Description; unit or lump sum price bid in both words and figuresTotal in Figures1.1400 L.F.2” SDR 11 HDPE Low Pressure Sewer Main dollars and cents ($ ) $ 2.583 L.F.1.25” SDR 11 HDPE Service Lateral Pipe dollars and cents ($ ) $ 3.
July 1, 1992.Figure 3: Catch Basin Lateral Pipe Once water enters the drainage collection line, it flows to a pumping station via canals and/or underground culverts.
Lateral Pipe and Fittings: Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454- B, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end suitable for solvent welding.
Item No. A-6 – Reconstruction of Private Sewer Lateral:See the Construction Drawings, Appendix B – Private Sewer Lateral Pipe Bursting Technical Specifications, and Standard Drawing No. 411.This bid item includes provision and installation of replacement sewer services on private property from the sewer main to the residential structure in accordance with the current local Plumbing Code.
Project Summary and Cost iiiFigure 2: Catch Basin Lid and Opening 1Figure 3: Catch Basin Lateral Pipe 2Figure 4: DPW Emergency Catch Basin Project Original Budget vs.
Deep Lateral Pipe and FittingsDeep lateral pipe and fittings shall be SDR 26 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) meeting requirements of ASTM D3034 and D2241.
Lateral Pipe and Fittings: 1) Use only strap-type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe.
Item No. 11 – Pipe Burst 4-Inch Private Sewer Lateral:See the Construction Drawings, Appendix F – Private Sewer Lateral Pipe Bursting Technical Specifications, and Standard Drawing No. 411.This bid item includes provision and installation of 4-inch sewer services on private property as shown on the Construction Drawings.
Contractor’s overhead, profit, taxes, and other non-listed expenses are to be included in the items of the Bid Schedule of Values.4. Owner to furnish 3” HDPE Lateral Pipe.