Generating Facilities definition
Examples of Generating Facilities in a sentence
If any unit of any of the Generating Facilities experiences a full or partial forced outage, Generator shall immediately notify Con Xxxxxx's Energy Control Center orally of such unit's outage and the expected duration thereof.
In respect of the construction of the Substation Modifications and of all subsequent construction work, modifications or circuit changes involving new or existing facilities, equipment, systems or circuits that could reasonably be expected to affect the operations of the Generating Facilities, Con Edison shall provide Generator with drawings, plans, specifications and other relevant documentation for review during the design phase of such work.
In addition, Generator, at its option, may take unbundled commodity service from Con Edison for the electric energy consumed at the Generating Facilities to the extent permitted pursuant to Con Edison’s then-effective NYPSC tariff(s), as such tariff(s) may be revised or superseded from time to time.
Generator shall at all times, at its sole cost and expense, maintain and keep available for its sole use two diverse and redundant, in respect of each other, telecommunications links between the Generating Facilities and Con Edison's Energy Control Center for the purpose of providing Con Xxxxxx's Energy Control Center with information regarding the Generating Facilities.
Interconnection of Transmission System and Generating Facilities 17 SECTION 3.05.