Examples of Lead exposure in a sentence
Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women.
For the Purpose of this Agreement, the amount of Lead a person is exposed to form the Covered Product shall be calculated using the following formula: micrograms of Lead per gram of product, multiplied by grams of product per serving of the product (using the largest serving size appearing on the product label), multiplied by servings of the product per day (using the largest number of servings in recommended dosage appearing on the product label), which equals micrograms of Lead exposure per day.
Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant woman.
Lead exposure may also cause weakness in fingers, wrists, or ankles.
Lead exposure also causes small increases in blood pressure, particularly in middle-aged and older people.
Lead exposure among women who are pregnant increases prenatal risks.
Lead exposure among women who later become pregnant has similar risks if lead stored in the mother’s bones is released during pregnancy.
Lead exposure also may result in decreased fertility, and abnormal menstrual cycles in women.
Lead exposure and poisoning from ingesting spent lead shot has been documented in many species of upland game birds such as chukar (Alectoris chukar), grey partridge (Perdix perdix), ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), scaled quail (Callipepla squamata), northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), American woodcock (Scolopax minor), ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus), and mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) (Campbell 1950; Damron and Wilson 1975; Best et al.
Lead exposure in young school children in South African subsistence fishing communities.