Examples of Legal Entitlement in a sentence
The Executive Director may extend the sixty day pe- riod for good cause shown.(ii) A certificate of entitlement that has been transferred pursuant to para- graph (f)(1)(i) of this section relieves the user of the obligation to pay water supply charges only with respect to the quantity of water in fact used by the new certificate holder for agricultural irrigation up to the Legal Entitlement specified in the certificate, and not with respect to the quantity of water used for any other purposes.
Ian Ayres & Eric Talley, Solomonic Bargaining: Dividing a Legal Entitlement to Facilitate Coasean Trade, 104 YALE L.J. 1027 (1995); Jason Scott Johnston, Bargaining Under Rules Versus Standards, 11J.L. ECON.
In [5], simulation results indicate that loose coupling solutions based on Mobile IP may face undesirable handover delays for real-time applications, in contrast to tight or very tight coupling solutions.
The Contractor shall provide to Rockland Green, promptly following the receipt thereof, copies of any notice of default, breach or noncompliance received under or in connection with any Applicable Law, Legal Entitlement, or Subcontract pertaining to this Contract.
The Company shall report to the Borough all violations of the terms and conditions of any Legal Entitlement or Applicable Law pertaining to the Facility promptly upon learning of such violation.