Limit Period definition
Examples of Limit Period in a sentence
This Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier of termination of the Advisory Agreement or on expiration of the Expense Limit Period.
This Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier of termination of the Advisory Agreement (and if such Advisory Agreement does not take effect, upon termination of the Interim Advisory Agreement) or on expiration of the Expense Limit Period.
Indicate the remaining amount available under the allocation to the individual mill during the relevant Export Limit Period.
No Sugar covered by the Agreement, whether exported directly or indirectly from Mexico, shall be entered into the United States unless, when cumulated with all prior entries of Sugar exported from Mexico during the Export Limit Period in which the Sugar was exported, it does not exceed the applicable Export Limit set forth below.
All exports of Sugar from Mexico that enter the United States will be counted against the Export Limit established for the applicable Export Limit Period.
COVERED SERVICE CATEGORY Visit/Script Limit Limit Period (Annual/Monthly) Dollar Limit Limit Period (Annual) Copay Amount Copay ApplicationHospital Inpatient Behavioral Health $ Expanded benefits MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT LEVELS EFFECTIVE DATE 09/01/12 – 08/31/15 Maximum enrollment levels and Health Plan provider numbers associated with the counties and populations served as denoted below.
The Noteholder agrees that it will not transfer Securities to its affiliate during the Current Limit Period or Extended Limit Period unless such affiliate has executed a deed poll similar to this Deed Poll to limit its conversions for the remainder of the Current Limit Period and Extended Limit Period.
Upon request, the "Residency Limit" Period of an employee of this unit may be extended by the Department Head, for a reasonable period, not to exceed three (3) months.
Exports of Sugar from Mexico in amounts greater than the Export Limit established in the relevant Export Limit Period.
The evolution of society, industrial advancement, and extensive urbanization meant easier access to and use of natural resources; it also meant that people’s lives became more comfortable and effortless.