Examples of Limitations Act in a sentence
Bidders must complete and submit with the Bid Response the State of Manufacture Chart , which is contained in GSPUR-89 ("Reciprocal Limitations Act Requirements") which is attached to and made part of this IFB.
II.5 II-IFB-017.1b Reciprocal Limitations Act – Electronic Submittal (February 2007)This procurement is subject to the Reciprocal Limitations Act.
II.4 II-IFB-017.1b Reciprocal Limitations Act – Electronic Submittal (February 2007)This procurement is subject to the Reciprocal Limitations Act.
They can also get the password by milling around the system to watch legitimate users typing in their password (shoulder surfing).− Social EngineeringSocial Engineering is the term used to describe cracking techniques that rely on weaknesses in wetware (i.e. human users attached to the system – administrators, operators, etc.) rather than software.
In addition to the Bidder Certification in Subsection (B), in order to be eligible for the 5% preference a manufacturer's certification must be completed, signed and submitted by each of the manufacturers listed by the bidder in Section III of the Reciprocal Limitations Act Requirements of this Invitation for Bid.
Failure to submit the required information prior to the expiration of the second business day after notification shall result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive.II.6 II-IFB-017.1b Reciprocal Limitations Act – Electronic Submittal (February 2007)This procurement is subject to the Reciprocal Limitations Act.
Bidders must complete and submit with the Bid Response the State of Manufacture Chart, which is contained in GSPUR-89 ("Reciprocal Limitations Act Requirements") which is attached to and made part of this IFB.
In accordance, with the Management of Police Information (MoPI) and the Limitations Act [1980] Lincolnshire Police will retain copies of the requests and responses for 6 years.
II.8 II-IFB-017.1b Reciprocal Limitations Act – Electronic Submittal (February 2007)This procurement is subject to the Reciprocal Limitations Act.
The agreement follows the normal rules of limitations under the applicable Limitations Act.