Examples of Limited powers in a sentence
Limited powers of accounting officer of national government entity to reallocate appropriate funds.
Limited powers of accounting officer of national government entity to reallocate appropriated funds.
Limited powers in some Member States over unregulated parent holding companies;3.
Limited powers of attorney are valid for no more than 90 days, except those used by lessors, which are good for periods up to one year.
Limited powers of appointment, also known as special powers of appointment, give donees the power to transfer the property to a specified class of persons identified in the instrument creating the power.
Limited powers are given to governorates and local authorities in the final planning and budget allocation in matters supposedly within their jurisdiction, and city administrations are often mandated with the development of their region but do not always have full control over the allocation and prioritisation of their financial resources.
Limited powers over the design and delivery of ECO have been devolved to Scottish Ministers under the Scotland Act 2016 with consideration of how best to use these new powers to be taken forward as part of SEEP.
Limited powers are available under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA) to deal with an event of this scale and magnitude.
Work will not begin, nor claims paid for services under this Agreement until all Certificates of Insurance, a Signing Authority Form, By-Laws, Business and Professional Licenses/Certificates, Verification of Non-Profit status, IRS ID number or other applicable licenses or certificates, as required, are on file with the Department's representative.
The EU, Japan and the US also face a 33.3 per cent reduction at the start of the implementation.