Examples of Local Department of Social Services in a sentence
This authorization is issued by the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) when the member has an immediate medical need and a permanent plastic card has not been received by the member.
The Common Benefit Identification Non-Photo Card is a permanent plastic card issued to members as determined by the Local Department of Social Services.
The Replacement Common Benefit Identification Card is a temporary paper card issued by the Local Department of Social Services to a member.
The Permanent Common Benefit Identification Photo Card is a permanent plastic card issued to members by the Local Department of Social Services.
Copies of medical records must be made accessible to the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS), New York State Department of Health, and/or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) upon request.
All other eligibility requirements have been satisfied.This individual will be considered eligible for Medicaid reimbursable services only at the point his or her excess income is reduced to the appropriate level.The individual may reduce his or her excess income by paying the amount of the excess, or submitting bills for the medical services that are at least equal to the amount of the excess income, to the Local Department of Social Services.
Upon approval of the waiver applicant's Initial Service Plan (ISP), the RRDS notifies the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS)of the applicant's eligibility and a Notice of Decision (NOD)of Eligibility is issued by the RRDS.
Once all of the required information requested on the form is completed, the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) must inform the employee within five (5) business days whether or not the leave will be designated as FMLA leave and count towards the employee’s leave entitlement.
An individual whom the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS), State, an entity designated by the State, or Federal government determines to be eligible for full Medicaid benefits; entitled to benefits under Medicare Part A, enrolled in Medicare Part B, and eligible to enroll in Part D; and who meets all the other conditions for enrollment in the FIDA Demonstration as set forth in this Contract.
However, the Local Department of Social Services is only permitted to “look back” and penalize you for transfers made in the 60 months prior to being institutionalized and applying for Nursing Home Medicaid.