Examples of Location Indicators in a sentence
Note: As HCAA does not assign ICAO Location Indicators to every aerodrome/heliport/water aerodrome, the following referencing system has been established to identify and associate the category of the aerodrome with the relevant AIP section, where data can be obtained.
For example, all locations published in ICAO Location Indicators (Doc 7910) can be loaded into the database with their corresponding States.
When prohibited, restricted or danger areas are shown, the reference or other identification shall be included, except that the nationality letters may be omitted.Note.— Nationality letters are those contained in Doc 7910 — Location Indicators.
Ifa State wishes to change the name appearing in Doc 7910 and this table, ICAO should be notified officially.3ICAO location indicator of the offshore structure4Latitude of the offshore structure (in the form Nnnnn or Snnnn)5Longitude of the offshore structure (in the form Ennnnn or Wnnnnn)6Name of the meteorological office responsible for the provision of meteorological serviceNote: The name is extracted from the ICAO Location Indicators (Doc 7910) updated quarterly.
EXAMPLE FOR SPECIFIC REGIONAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE MET II-EUR-1 -OFFSHORE STRUCTURES EXPLANATION OF THE TABLEColumn1Name of the State where meteorological service is required2Name of the offshore structure where meteorological service is requiredNote: The name is extracted from the ICAO Location Indicators (Doc 7910) updated quarterly.
The expression “observing station(s)” is also used as an abbreviation for “observing station(s)/platform(s)”.2 The location indicators and their meanings are published in ICAO Location Indicators (Doc 7910).3 That is, after 1 July 20164 A data series represents the entirety of observations of the same variable taken at a given station.
The similitude test between the Damage Signature Ψ and all Damage Location Indicators Φ(cj ) , in fact vectors with n elements, indicate the crack position by designating the indexj.
Item A) Insert the location indicator as contained in Doc 7910 — Location Indicators of the aerodrome or FIR in which the facility, airspace, or condition being reported on is located.
This is to ensure necessary services continue to be delivered and reimbursed during this transitional period.1. Behavioral Health Transition Monitoring ReportOMH will develop a Behavioral Health Transition Monitoring Report as a management tool to assist the State, together with MCOs, Local Governmental Units (LGUs), and providers, in detecting system inadequacies as they occur, and enabling the State to initiate steps in addressing the issues as soon as possible.
GM1 MET.TR.115(a)(2) Meteorological bulletinsLOCATION INDICATORICAO location indicators are listed in Location Indicators (Doc 7910).