Examples of Low educational attainment in a sentence
Low educational attainment levels, low income earning capability, inability to access basic social services, lack of economic opportunities leading to underemployment, unemployment and low wage employment, are determinants of poverty in Jamaica.
Low educational attainment, worklessness and lack of financial capability can increase the risk that families will not have the resources for a decent standard of living or for their children to achieve their potential in later life.
Low educational attainment is higher among non-Montenegrin immigrants and in rural areas.
Low educational attainment and low skills levels is a major national problem, which is being exacerbated by the shift to more skilled, knowledge based industries.
Low educational attainment leads to less employability in the formal sector and thus to economic dependence.
Low educational attainment and lack of access to the internet inhibit getting work, according to some participants.
Low educational attainment, prejudice and discrimination in the labour market, a greater traditional emphasis on family and home, and cultural resistance to the use of formal childcare are all major barriers to the participation of Irish Travellers in employment.
Low educational attainment is one of the key determinants of young people entering the NEET category with other important factors including having a disability or coming from a migrant background (Eurostat 2018a).
Mothers with high levels of educational attainment are more likely to go back to work early, around early 2000s1 Proportion of mothers in paid work by six months by parental education Low educational attainment Medium educational attainment High educational attainment(%)50 40 30 20 10 0Australia Canada Denmark United Kingdom United States Note: 1) Years of reference are the following: Australia: 2000/01; Canada: 2001/03; Denmark: 1996; UK: 2001/02; and the US: 2001/02.
Table 7 Distribution of highest attained education in households for mother and father in intervention (INT) and control (CONT) areas (percentages are of valid answers per category) Low educational attainment of the mother (usually the primary caretaker of the children) was seen in nearly half of all families.