Community district definition
Examples of Community district in a sentence
Community district can be found by entering complete address and zip code at the following website: NYC Planning Community District Profiles.
A general ordinance amending the Springfield Land Development Code, Section 36-306, ‘Official zoning map and rules for interpretation,’ by rezoning 13.28 acres of property, generally located at 3859 West Maple Street from Planned Development district No. 263 to R-MHC, Manufactured Home Community district; and adopting an updated Official Zoning Map.
Community district heating and cooling systems are encouraged and may be used to address the heating and cooling needs of new and existing developments within the Plan area.
Phillips stated that a Planned Community district would protect the natural features.McFarlane said that the Growth Management Plan indicates that the parcel is in the sewer service area and an R-3 district is an urban district so it does not need to be changed to an R-4.
Community district data indicate some level of concentration in the poorest neighborhoods of New York City.
For example, the intended output 4: Capacities of Community, district and national level institutions developed for rural energy development and implementations, cannot be achieved only by developing training manuals to produce master trainers, and by organizing training events.
Community, district, zone, regional State): Six Kebeles, Gasera District, Bale Zone, Oromia National Regional State Project period: January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2018 Funding partners: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and Church of Sweden (CoS) Distance from ADD: Gasera District is found at 488 km South East of the capital, Addis Ababa.
The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may also require Environmental Impact Statements for Commercial and Manufactured Home Subdivision and Community district applications and others when deemed necessary.
Numbers in italics are based on a small number of observations and should be treated with caution.1 Community district 108 matches sub-borough area 106.2 Ranked out of 50 community districts with sufficient single family home sales.3 Ranked out of 13 community districts with the same predominant housing type (single family homes).
Source: Public Data Corporation and New York City, Department of Finance (Real Property Assessment Data)Geography: Community district, borough, city Years Available: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Number of Housing UnitsA housing unit is a house, an apartment, a group of rooms, or a single room occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.