Low Hazard Fireworks means those fireworks defined as such under the current Explosives Regulations made under the Explosives Act of Canada and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes firework showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, roman candle and volcanoes;
Low Hazard Fireworks means Subdivision 1 of Division 2 fireworks as defined in the Explosives Regulations, C.R.C., c. 599, but does not include sparklers, Christmas crackers, caps for toy guns containing not in excess of twenty-five one- hundredths of a grain of explosive per cap;
Low Hazard Fireworks means Subdivision 1 of Division 2 fireworks as defined in the
Examples of Low Hazard Fireworks in a sentence
Clair Fire Department may, at their discretion, issue a permit which allows for the Use of Low Hazard Fireworks on private property on a day or time other than those authorized by this bylaw.
Each Fireworks Permit application must (1) specify whether the application is in respect of Low Hazard Fireworks or High Hazard Fireworks or both.
More Definitions of Low Hazard Fireworks
Low Hazard Fireworks means fireworks in Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 1 of the Explosives Regulations;
Low Hazard Fireworks means fireworks that are included in Class 7.2.1. under the Explosives Regulations to the Explosives Act;
Low Hazard Fireworks means fireworks used for recreation as defined in Class 7.2.1 of the Explosives Act (Canada) as Low Hazard Fireworks for Recreation;
Low Hazard Fireworks means manufactured goods intended to be used for pyrotechnic that are classified by the Canada Explosive Regulations as low hazard fireworks for recreation (Class7.2.1.) such as fireworks showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pinwheels, volcanoes and sparklers, but does not include Roman Candles;
Low Hazard Fireworks means and includes “Consumer Fireworks” and “Family Fireworks” generally used for personal recreation purposes which are relatively innocuous in themselves and are not liable to explode violently or all at once and shall include showers, golden rain, lawn lights, pinwheels, roman candles and volcanoes and other like products described in Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 1of the Explosives Regulations under the Explosives Act;
Low Hazard Fireworks means any fireworks such as fireworks showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn light, pin wheel, Roman candles, volcanoes, sparklers, Christmas crackers and caps for toy guns as defined in Class 7.2.1 of The Explosives Act (Canada) as Low Hazard Fireworks for Recreation.
Low Hazard Fireworks means 'low hazard fireworks' as defined under the Explosives Regulations made under the Explosives Regulations (Canada);