Family Fireworks definition

Family Fireworks means low hazard fireworks generally used for recreation but excluding Christmas crackers, sparklers and caps for toy guns;
Family Fireworks means low-hazard fireworks for recreation that are classified under Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 2 of the Explosives Act, and the explosives regulations made under, and includes but is not limited to, firework showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pinwheels, roman candles, volcanoes, sparklers and other similar devices, but does not include Christmas crackers, and paper containing not more than 25/100 grain of explosives on average per cap, devices for use with such caps, safety flares or marine rockets.
Family Fireworks means an outdoor, low hazard, recreational firework that is classed as a subdivision 1 of Division 2 of Class 7 Fireworks under the Explosives Act (Canada).

Examples of Family Fireworks in a sentence

  • Several TIC members recently attended the Railvolution conference in Washington, D.C. and plan to share lessons learned at an upcoming meeting.

  • Kasold Hearing Officer Copies to: Henrique David Lucena (via overnight courier and email) Daniel D’Costa, Esq.

  • On Track The National Television Broadcast (via Network Nine) for the 9pm Family Fireworks peaked at an estimated 1.05 million viewers, with the Midnight Fireworks estimated at 1.79 million.

  • ON N8H 519-326-5761 Application to Sell Family Fireworks ‌ From A Commercial Building Schedule “B” to By-law 600-05 See Part 2 (attached) for further information.

  • WHEREAS the Municipal Act authorizes the Town of Aurora to enact a By-law to prohibit and regulate the sale and setting off of fireworks; and WHEREAS the current By-law allows Family Fireworks to be set off two days preceding the Victoria Day holiday and Canada Day and two days following the same therefore allowing for five consecutive days of fireworks without any time restrictions; and WHEREAS this is causing residents stress and frustration due to the excessive and continual noise.

More Definitions of Family Fireworks

Family Fireworks means a device or devices which are designed to produce colourful effects, with sound added as a secondary function and includes such devices commonly known as small fountains, volcanoes, pin- wheels, Christmas crackers and caps used for toy guns.
Family Fireworks means an outdoor, low hazard, recreational fireworks that is classed as a Subdivision 1 of Division 2 of Class 7 Fireworks under the Act, and includes, but is not limited to, fireworks showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, Roman candles, volcanoes, and sparklers but does not include Christmas crackers and caps for toy guns containing not in excess of twenty-five one-hundredths of a grain of explosive used per cap;
Family Fireworks means a pyrotechnic device producing quantities or effects of light, sound or smoke by the combustion of explosive or flammable composition and includes devices commonly known as firework showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, roman candles, sparklers, volcanoes and mines, but does not include:
Family Fireworks means low hazard fireworks and both terms shall have interchangeable meanings.
Family Fireworks means low hazard fireworks generally used for recreation, also referred to as consumer fireworks, formerly Canadian Class 7.2.1;
Family Fireworks means a device or devices classed by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources as Low Hazard Fireworks Class 7.2.1. used for recreation which includes but is not limited to firework showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pinwheels, roman candles, volcanoes and sparklers.
Family Fireworks means low hazard fireworks for recreation commonly referred to as consumer fireworks, and as described in Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 1 of the Explosives Regulations under the Explosives Act, RSC 1985, c E-17, as amended;