Examples of Manufactured Goods in a sentence
To permit evaluation of requests under paragraph (b) of this section based on unreasonable cost, the Recipient shall include the following information and any applicable supporting data based on the survey of suppliers: Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods Covered Under International Agreements Under Section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The Borrower may provide a margin of preference in accordance with paragraphs 2.55(a) and 2.56 of the Procurement Guidelines for Domestically Manufactured Goods and paragraph 2.55(b) and 2.56 of the Procurement Guidelines for Domestic Works in comparing bids under international competitive bidding.
We will not warrant goods that are supplied by us but are not manufactured by us or a related entity of ours, and anything deemed by us not to be manufactured by us (Third Party Manufactured Goods).
In the event Third Party Manufactured Goods are defective or damaged goods, the claim will be passed onto the original equipment manufacturer or supplier and will be subject to their warranty terms and conditions.
The Borrower may provide a margin of preference in accordance with paragraphs 2.55(a) and 2.56 of the Procurement Guidelines for Domestically Manufactured Goods and paragraph 2.55(b) and 2.56 of the Procurement Guidelines for Domestic Works in comparing bids under International Competitive Bidding.