LSP Firearms definition

LSP Firearms means the firearms and ammunition carried by Local Security Personnel.
LSP Firearms means the firearms and ammunition carried by Local Security Personnel Simply for the sake of clarity, it is suggested that a clear distinction is made between the PMSCs own personnel and the local security personnel – perhaps through a minor amendment to the definition of “Security Personnel” as follows:

Examples of LSP Firearms in a sentence

  • The Contractors shall ensure that the use of Firearms, other Security Equipment, LSP Firearms or Local Security Personnel on board the Vessel shall not invalidate the above insurances.

  • If an embarkation of Security Personnel and/or Security Equipment and/or Local Security Personnel and LSP Firearms in respect of any Transit is delayed by more than twenty-four(24) hours for any reason whatsoever other than Owners’ default, the Owners shall be entitled to cancel the Transit forthwith.

  • If an embarkation of Security Personnel and/or Security Equipment and/or Local Security Personnel and LSP Firearms in respect of any Transit is delayed by more than twenty-four (24) hours for any reason whatsoever other than Owners’ default, the Owners shall be entitled to cancel the Transit forthwith.

Related to LSP Firearms

  • Firearms means (1) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (2) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (3) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (4) any destructive device. Such term does not include an antique firearm.

  • Firearm means any device designed, made, or adapted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or any device readily convertible to that use.

  • imitation firearm means an article, not being a firearm, which has the appearance of being a firearm, or which may reasonably be taken to be a firearm;

  • Antique firearm means a firearm or replica of a firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898, including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.

  • Tobacco paraphernalia means any item designed or marketed for the consumption, use, or preparation of Tobacco Products.

  • Chemical dependency professional means a person certified as a chemical dependency professional by the department of health under chapter 18.205 RCW.

  • Mist spray adhesive means any aerosol which is not a special purpose spray adhesive and which delivers a particle or mist spray, resulting in the formation of fine, discrete particles that yield a generally uniform and smooth application of adhesive to the substrate.

  • Weapon-free school zone means school property and a vehicle used by a school to transport students to or from school property.

  • Tobacco use means any use of tobacco products within the past two months. Tobacco use, however, does not include the religious or ceremonial use of tobacco.

  • Video lottery terminal sales agent means a lottery sales agent licensed under Chapter 3770. of the ORC to conduct video lottery terminals on behalf of the state pursuant to Section 3770.21 of the ORC.

  • Imported content means that portion of the bidding price represented by the cost of components, parts or materials which have been or are still to be imported (whether by the supplier or his subcontractors) and which costs are inclusive of the costs abroad, plus freight and other direct importation costs such as landing costs, dock dues, import duty, sales duty or other similar tax or duty at the South African place of entry as well as transportation and handling charges to the factory in the Republic where the supplies covered by the bid will be manufactured.

  • Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

  • Weapons means an instrument or device of any kind that is used or designed to be used to inflict harm including, but not limited to, rifles, handguns, shotguns, antique fire- arms, knives, swords, bows and arrows, BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles, electronic or other stun devices, or fighting imple- ments.

  • Volunteer firefighter means a firefighter whose position normally requires less than 600

  • Weapon means a firearm as defined in 18 USC §921 for purposes of the Gun-Free Schools Act. It also means any other gun, BB gun, pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, machine gun, disguised gun, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto, switchblade knife, gravity knife, brass knuckles, sling shot, metal knuckle knife, box cutters, cane sword, electronic dart gun, Kung Fu star, electronic stun gun, pepper spray or other noxious spray, explosive or incendiary bomb, or other device, instrument, material or substance that can cause physical injury or death when used to cause physical injury or death.

  • Small Diversity business concern means a small business concern that is a least (51) percent unconditionally owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically diverse, or a publicly owned business that has at least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically diverse individuals and that has its management and daily business controlled by one or more such individuals. This term also means a small business concern that is at least (51) percent unconditionally owned by an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization, or a publicly owned business that has least (51) percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one of these entities, that has its management and daily business controlled by members of an economically diverse Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian Organization.

  • Web spray adhesive means any aerosol adhesive that is not a mist spray or special purpose spray adhesive.

  • Cannabis wholesaler means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains, stores, sells or otherwise transfers, and may transport, cannabis items for the purpose of resale or other transfer to either another cannabis wholesaler or to a cannabis retailer, but not to consumers.

  • Marijuana wholesaler means a person who purchases marijuana items in this state for resale to a person other than a consumer.

  • Cannabinoid edible means food or potable liquid into which a cannabinoid concentrate, cannabinoid extract or dried marijuana leaves or flowers have been incorporated.

  • Uniform business entity application means the current version of the NAIC Uniform Business Entity Application for resident and nonresident business entities.

  • Mobile food vendor means every corporation, association, joint stock association, person, firm or partnership, their lessees, directors, receivers, trustees, appointees by any court whatsoever, or the heirs, executors, administrators, or personal representatives or assignees of any deceased owner, owning, controlling, operating or managing any mobile food vending unit.

  • Drug paraphernalia means all equipment, products, and materials of any kind, which are used for injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing a drug into the human body. This includes, but is not limited to, all equipment, products and materials prohibited or controlled by State or Federal laws.

  • Firearm trade association means any person, corporation, unincorporated association, federation, business league, or business organization that:

  • Tobacco products means cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, moist snuff, cavendish, ping and twist tobacco, fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking.

  • Alcoholic beverages means beverages that are suitable for human consumption and contain one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume.