Examples of Imported content in a sentence
Estimated CIF value of the Imported content, if any, both in Indian Rupee and in the specified foreign currency on date of opening of the tender.
Imported content means the portion of the bid price represented by the cost the cost of components, parts or materials which have been or are still imported (whether by the supplier or its sub-contractors) and which costs are inclusive of the costs abroad, plus freight and other direct importation costs, such as landing costs, dock dues, import duty, sales duty or other similar tax or duty at the South African port of entry.
Bid price, excluding VAT (y)R Imported content (x)RStipulated minimum threshold for Local content (paragraph 3 above) Local content % as calculated in terms of SATS 1286 If the bid is for more than one product, a schedule of the local content by product shall be attached.
Multiple contracts for the same goods, works or services each with Imported content exceeding US$3 million awarded to one seller over a 2 year period which in total exceeds US$10 million.
The local content has been calculated using the formula given in clause 3 of SATS 1286, the rates of exchange indicated in paragraph 4.1 above and the following figures: Bid price, excluding VAT (y) R Imported content (x) R Stipulated minimum threshold for Local content (paragraph 3 above) Local content % as calculated in terms of SATS 1286 If the bid is for more than one product, a schedule of the local content by product shall be attached.