Magistrate definition
Examples of Magistrate in a sentence
SAMPLE Upon leaving the hearing site, the Special Magistrate further agrees to return all property belonging to Orange County or the VAB, including without limitation petition files, evidence received by the Special Magistrate or notes taken by the Special Magistrate at the hearing.
The Special Magistrate whose signature appears below has been appointed to perform the services of a Special Magistrate for the Orange County 2024 Value Adjustment Board (the “VAB”).
Special Magistrate shall arrive at the hearing site 15 minutes prior to the scheduled hearing time.
Special Magistrate agrees to perform his/her services pursuant to the provisions of Sections 194.034 and 194.035, Florida Statutes, applicable provisions of the Florida Administrative Code and Florida law.
Special Magistrates newly appointed to serve Orange County will observe two hours of hearings and taking of testimony conducted by a Special Magistrate who previously served Orange County.