Aggrieved Person. An “aggrieved person” is the person or persons or the Association making the claim.
Aggrieved Person. An aggrieved person is the person making the complaint.
Aggrieved Person. The person or persons making the complaint.
Aggrieved Person. The employee making this complaint.
Aggrieved Person. An Aggrieved Person is the Member of the Bargaining Unit, group of Members of the Bargaining Unit, or the Association making the claim.
Aggrieved Person. An “aggrieved person” is any employee or group of employees, including the Association, making the complaint.
Aggrieved Person. The person(s) or the Association filing a complaint or grievance.
Aggrieved Person. An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons making the claim. The Association may be an "aggrieved person" in instances where an alleged contract violation affects the Association or a clearly defined class of unit members.
Aggrieved Person. An aggrieved person is the person making the complaint.
581 3. Party in Interest. A party in interest is the person making the complaint and any person, 582 including the Employer, who might be required to take action, or against whom action 583 might be taken in order to resolve the complaint.
Aggrieved Person. REPLY TO GRIEVANCE