Examples of Maintain vehicles in a sentence
Maintain vehicles according to manufacturer's specifications,Require vehicle operators to conduct daily inspections of vehicles to identify fluid leaks, schedule repairs, and eliminate leaks.
This phase is signified by a constant, rapid rate of water temperature increase (Figure 6A), relatively steady CO2 concentration in the stove emissions (Figure 6E), and occurrence of the minimum in the CO/CO2 ratio (Figure 6G).
Customer: Provide customer service; support billing and payment processing; support credit and collections activity; claims management.2. Fleet: Maintain vehicles; transport materials and supplies.
Maintain vehicles, update maintenance records, and inspect vehicles on a regular basis.
Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance - Maintain vehicles owned by Town of Canandaigua according to manufacturer's specifications and identify and eliminate significant vehicle fluid leaks.
Maintain vehicles according to manufacturer's specifications.Conduct maintenance in highway garage whenever possible.
Phase Out/Teach Out StrategyAll students have or will be advised into the new Health Information Technology certificate.
This can be checked by observing the following measures: Maintain vehicles and machineries at manufacturers specifications; Ensure proper storage of chemicals / materials; and During the course of the construction works, temporary drainage channels should be constructed to encourage dispersal of meteoric waters.
Sometimes LiP funding and section 106 money could be used to compliment each other but any changes to schemes would on be slight changes within the set framework.
This can be checked by observing the following measures: Maintain vehicles and machineries at manufacturers specifications; Ensure proper storage of chemicals / materials; and During the course of the construction works, temporary drainage channels should be constructed to encourage dispersal of meteoric waters.