Major waterway definition

Major waterway means any river, stream, or lake which has significant use in its liquid state by watercraft for access to publicly owned lands or be- tween communities. Significant use means more than casual, sporadic or incidental use by watercraft, including43 CFR Ch. II (10–1–17 Edition)Designation of a river or stream as a major waterway may be limited to a specific segment of the particular waterbody.
Major waterway means any river, stream, or lake which has sig­ nificant use in its liquid state by wa­ tercraft for access to publicly owned lands or between communities. Signifi­ cant use means more than casual, spo­ radic or incidental use by watercraft, including floatplanes, but does not in­ clude use of the waterbody in its frozen state by snowmobiles, dogsleds or skiplanes. Designation of a river or stream as a major waterway may be limited to a specific segment of the particular waterbody.
Major waterway means anynatural channel for surface water drainage that drains six hundred forty (640) acres but less than three hundred twenty (320) acres.

More Definitions of Major waterway

Major waterway means any river, stream, or lake which has significant use in its liquid state by watercraft for access to publicly owned lands or between communities. Significant use means more than casual, sporadic or
Major waterway means any river, stream, or lake which has significant use in its liquid state by watercraft for access to publicly owned lands or be- tween communities. Significant use means more than casual, sporadic or incidental use by watercraft, including floatplanes, but does not include use of the waterbody in its frozen state by snowmobiles, dogsleds or skiplanes. Designation of a river or stream as a major waterway may be limited to a specific segment of the particular waterbody.

Related to Major waterway

  • Waterway means any body of water.

  • Zone 3 means all of that part of the Lower Peninsula south of the line described in subdivision (bb).

  • foreshore , in relation to a port, means the area between the high-water mark and the low-water mark relating to that port;

  • Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.

  • Site Visit means a visit to the Site; and

  • PAV means Pressurized Aging Vessel.

  • Master plumber means an individual who possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to plan and supervise the installation of plumbing and who is licensed as a master plumber.

  • Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.

  • Junkyard means an establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated or used for storing, keeping, buying or selling junk, or for the maintenance or operation of an automobile graveyard, including garbage dumps and sanitary fills.

  • Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an

  • Wood floor wax means wax-based products for use solely on wood floors.

  • Stormwater management facility means a control measure that controls stormwater runoff and changes the characteristics of that runoff including, but not limited to, the quantity and quality, the period of release or the velocity of flow.

  • Urban renewal project means undertakings and activities of a municipality in an urban renewal area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve slum clearance and redevelopment in an urban renewal area, or rehabilitation or conservation in an urban renewal area, or any combination or part of them in accordance with an urban renewal plan. These undertakings and activities may include:

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Outdoor cultivation means the cultivation of mature cannabis without the use of artificial lighting or light deprivation in the canopy area at any point in time. Artificial lighting is permissible only to maintain immature plants outside the canopy area.

  • Virginia Stormwater Management Program or “VSMP” means a program approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, that has been established by a locality to manage the quality and quantity of runoff resulting from land-disturbing activities and shall include such items as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement, where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and associated regulations.

  • Water well means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, augered, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater, utilizing the geothermal properties of the ground, or extracting water from or injecting water into the aquifer. “Water well” does not include an open ditch or drain tiles or an excavation made for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products mined or quarried.

  • Waterworks or “water system” means all structures, conduits and appurtenances by means of which water is delivered to consumers except piping and fixtures inside buildings served, and service pipes from building to street main.

  • Environmental Management Plan or “EMP” means the environmental management plan for the Project, including any update thereto, incorporated in the IEE;

  • Environmental Management Framework or “EMF” means the policy framework for environmental management, approved by the Project Implementing Entity’s Board of Directors on July 21, 2009, which sets forth the environmental policies and procedures that shall apply to the carrying out of the Project.

  • Stormwater management BMP means an excavation or embankment and related areas designed to retain stormwater runoff. A stormwater management BMP may either be normally dry (that is, a detention basin or infiltration system), retain water in a permanent pool (a retention basin), or be planted mainly with wetland vegetation (most constructed stormwater wetlands).

  • Project site, where applicable, means the place indicated in bidding documents.

  • Stormwater management measure means any practice, technology, process, program, or other method intended to control or reduce stormwater runoff and associated pollutants, or to induce or control the infiltration or groundwater recharge of stormwater or to eliminate illicit or illegal non-stormwater discharges into stormwater conveyances.

  • Airside means, generally, those areas of an Airport which requires a person to pass through a security checkpoint to access. References to "sterile areas" generally mean Airside areas within terminal buildings. References to "Airfield", "Aircraft Operations Area", "AOA", or "Secured areas" generally mean outdoor Airside areas or areas not accessible to passengers.