Majority of Lenders definition
Examples of Majority of Lenders in a sentence
A resolution passed by a Majority of Lenders in respect of matters set forth in Section 13.2(a) or in respect of all other matters pursuant to this Section 13.9(b) or all the Lenders in respect of matters set forth in Section 13.2(b) shall be binding upon all Lenders and the Agent (subject to the provisions for the Agent's indemnity herein contained) shall be bound to give effect thereto accordingly.
If there is a Change of Control without the prior written consent of the Agent (which consent shall require the approval of a Majority of Lenders).
Unless otherwise is expressly provided in any Financial Document, any Decisions taken in line with the procedure provided in Article 23.1 (Decisions of the Majority of Lenders) shall be binding for all the Parties to Financing.
For the sake of clarity, the Lenders hereby authorize the Facility Agent, and the Facility Agent in his turn agrees to act in line with the Decisions of the Majority of Lenders or the Decisions of all the Lenders in cases, where the existence of such a Decision is expressly set out in the given Agreement.
The Facility Agent is obliged to inform all the Lenders about the issue under discussion using SWIFT system, to get together all the Lenders using the SWIFT system and to determine the position of the Majority of Lenders.