Manx waters definition
Examples of Manx waters in a sentence
The IOM Marine Operations Centre (MOC) is responsible for the initiation of SAR in Manx waters.
However, fisheries management of the territorial sea is complicated by resource limitations, interactions with the UK and EU, as well as the interconnectedness of fisheries stocks, which means that the resources and their biological processes are not wholly contained within Manx waters.
As it currently stands the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SOSREP and the GLAs does not cover the situation of wreck removal in Manx waters.
The magnitude of impact for this receptor is therefore considered to be low.’ See Static gear activity maps in Manx waters above.
Most vagrant species found in UK and Manx waters are from warmer waters to the south and west of the British Isles.V-notchA notch put in the tail fan (telson) of egg-bearing lobsters.
OutlookThis is a potentially vulnerable species with increasing fishing effort being directed towards it and there is a need for more consideration of the management of whelk stocks in Manx waters.
Due to their preference for structure, it is expected that post-construction, local black sea bass will inhabit the new and restored oyster reefs and forage there preferentially compared to the open sand/clay bottom found there now.
They are rarities but there have been 2 confirmed sightings and 2 possible sightings in Manx waters over the past 3 years and photographs that have been externally verified.
The Manx Wildlife Trust has been operating the Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) long-term monitoring project on the Calf of Man every autumn since 2009 and employs teams of volunteer fieldworkers to stay on the Calf with the purpose of surveying the Grey Seal population.Grey seals are endemic to the North Atlantic Ocean and are the most common pinniped species in Manx waters.
FG estimates that roughly 3% of Manx waters are closed to fishing with mobile gear, but can provide the exact figure if needed (see correspondence in Annex A).Action 12.4 - HC to contact FG to get information about the candidate MPA adjacent to rMCZ 6.Action 12.5 - FG to circulate figure of total area of Manx waters closed to mobile fishing gear.