Examples of Adjacent to in a sentence
Adjacent to the strikeout place the correct information, a date indicating the date of the change and an initial or stamp indicating the person making the change.
Adjacent to each working area, a first aid kit shall be set aside for the treatment of illness or injuries.
Otherwise your application may be delayed or returned to you.Application for Marine Renewable Energy Projects in the Territorial Sea and UK Controlled Waters Adjacent to Scotland(ML-003) Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain any other consents or authorisations that may be required.
Delivery should be given at Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Knowledge City, Sector 81, Adjacent to IISER, Mohali - 140306, Punjab within a maximum of one month’s time from the date of placement of purchase order.
Adjacent to or on each equipment item in the plant, shall be fixed a plate with the name and nomenclature (code) of the item according to the Project nomenclature.
Adjacent to each Electric Vehicle charging station, one or more parking spaces shall be reserved for Electric Vehicle parking.
Adjacent to Restoration Hall, is the new Brooks Building featuring 20,000 square feet dedicated to programs with a technology orientation, including making with advanced materials and using many of the latest technology-based tools.
Ltd., Hyderabad Circle Adjacent to Commercial Branch State Bank of India, LHO Campus Bank Street, Kothi, HYDERABAD – 500 095.
Adjacent to the chambers, the device includes microfluidic worm clamps, which enable periodic, temporary immobilization of each worm.
Adjacent to the center are lighted tennis courts, an outdoor track, a sand volleyball court, and playing fields.