Universal Digital Loop Carrier (UDLC means the DLC system that has a CO terminal channel bank that is connected to the CO switches on the analog side.
Flight Coupon means that portion of the ticket which is either held electronically in the carrier’s database or on paper when a paper ticket is issued to a passenger. It indicates the particular points between which the passenger is entitled to transportation.
Tobacco product manufacturer means an entity that after the date of enactment of this act directly (and not exclusively through any affiliate) meets 1 or more of the following:
Ferry Flight means the movement of an aircraft without payload to position the aircraft to perform a flight or upon completion of a flight to position the aircraft to a point required by the carrier.
Network Supply Point or "NSP" means any Point of Connection between:
Contract carrier means any person who, under special and individual contracts or agreements, and
Video lottery terminal sales agent means a lottery sales agent licensed under Chapter 3770. of the ORC to conduct video lottery terminals on behalf of the state pursuant to Section 3770.21 of the ORC.
Retail pharmacy means a pharmaceutical facility dispensing prescription drugs and devices to the general public.
Consumables and medical devices means (consumables) items that require regular replacement (e.g. batteries) to keep a medical device (such as a hearing aid) operational. Many medical devices require consumables.
Drug outlet means a pharmacy, nursing home, shelter home, convalescent home, extended care facility, drug abuse treatment center, penal institution, hospital, family planning clinic, student health center, retail store, wholesaler, manufacturer, mail-order vendor or other establishment with facilities located within or out of this state that is engaged in dispensing, delivery or distribution of drugs within this state.
Product Manufacturer means the entity that assembles the component parts to manufacture the final Product;
Scheduled Flight means a flight in an aircraft where the airline is listed in the Official Airline guide or equivalent and the air carrier holds a certificate, licence or similar authorization for scheduled air transportation issued by the relevant authorities in the country in which the aircraft is registered and, in accordance with such authorization, maintains and publishes schedules and tariffs for passenger service between named airports at regular and specific times. Scheduled Airline does not include Private Charter.
Passenger car means every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle designed and used primarily for
Marketing program means a program established by order of the director pursuant to this act prescribing rules and regulations governing the marketing for processing, distributing, selling, or handling an agricultural commodity produced in this state or agricultural commodity input during a specified period and
Cannabis wholesaler means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains, stores, sells or otherwise transfers, and may transport, cannabis items for the purpose of resale or other transfer to either another cannabis wholesaler or to a cannabis retailer, but not to consumers.
Tobacco products means cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, moist snuff, cavendish, ping and twist tobacco, fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking.
Tobacco product means any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, blunts, clove cigarettes, or any other preparation of tobacco; and any product or formulation of matter containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, sold, offered for sale, or otherwise distributed with the expectation that the product or matter will be introduced into the human body by inhalation; but does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence.
SAP Training Catalogue means the catalogue published by SAP containing details of SAP training courses and services.
designated airline means an airline designated and authorized in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement;
Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.
Catalog means the available list of tangible personal property or services, in the most current listing, regardless of date, during the life of the contract, that takes the form of a catalog, price list, schedule, shelf price or other form that:
Engine Manufacturer means CFM International, Inc.
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Serving carrier means a facilities-based carrier providing
Drug store means a place whose principal business is, the
Integrated Digital Loop Carrier means a subscriber loop carrier system that is twenty-four (24) local Loop transmission paths combined into a 1.544 Mbps digital signal which integrates within the switch at a DS1 level.