Examples of Master card in a sentence
If the Bank and/or the Bank’s data centres become involved in an industrial dispute, you will not be able to use your Master- card in Denmark.
Address Verifica- tion Service allows for comparing the address data of customers with the data deposited as cardholder’s settlement or physical address at the card issuer in the course of card transactions (in case of Visa, Master- card or Maestro cards for the Anglo-American region; globally in case of American Express cards).
If one or several family cards have been issued in relation to the card account, see 6, each cardholder of a family card is authorised to use the card account with his Sydbank Master- card Private Banking card.
Our claim in [6] is that the Master- card protocol is secure, whereas in this paper we show that Mastercard cards are not secure.
Visa or Master card (depending upon the type of card) is responsible for processing and settling the transactions and the card issuing bank is responsible to collect fund from its customers.
IV-4 Role of Operational Art ...........................................................................................
Member banks and companies of Visa and Master card international issue debit cards.
It has, however, to be noted that this in part refers to cards issued by different financial institutions rather than different card organizations, such as Visa or Master- card.
Banks and merchants may charge a fee when your Master- card is used.
Any financial or non financial institution, which is authorized to issue cards under the granted license of Visa and Master card international, are called issuer.