Examples of Master Loans Purchase Agreement in a sentence
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the relevant Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and in accordance with the provisions of the Securitisation and Covered Bond Law, Decree No. 310 and the Bank of Italy Regulations.
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and in accordance with the provisions of the Securitisation and Covered Bond Law, Decree No. 310 and the Bank of Italy Regulations.
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the relevant Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as definedbelow) and in accordance with the provisions of the Securitisation and Covered Bond Law, Decree No. 310 and the Bank of Italy Regulations.
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and in accordance with the provisions of the Securitisation and Covered Bond Law and the Bank of Italy Regulations.
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and in accordance with the provisions of the Law 130, Decree 310 and the Bank of Italy Regulations.
The Covered Bond Guarantee will be collateralised by a cover pool constituted by certain assets assigned from time to time to the Guarantor pursuant to the relevant Master Loans Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and in accordance with theprovisions of the Securitisation and Covered Bond Law, Decree No. 310 and the Bank of Italy Regulations.