Examples of Maximum Return in a sentence
Maximum Return The profit potential is unlimited.Maximum Loss In case the Underlying closes at or below the Strike of the Product on the Expiration Date, the Product expires worthless.
Guarantors shall use Diligent Efforts to generate Net Revenues and cause the Payments to achieve the Maximum Return Amount prior to the End Date.
In case any Note for which aggregate Payments and Designated Default Interest equal to the Maximum Return Amount has been paid or is about to be paid shall become mutilated or be destroyed, lost or stolen, the Company may, in its sole discretion, instead of issuing a substitute Note, pay or authorize the payment of the same (without surrender thereof except in the case of a mutilated Note), as the case may be.
The Enhancement Factor will represent the extent to which the upside performance of STEEPLS is affected by the upside price performance of the Underlying Equity, limited by the Maximum Return.
The Total Interest Return is subject to the Maximum Return, and is paid at maturity together with the GIC's principal amount at maturity.