Examples of Measured Flow in a sentence
Where Flow determinations have been made for all Connectors contributing Flow through a common station, and where Loadings are determined only at the common station, the annual Loadings shall be prorated among all Connectors contributing flow through the common station as follows: Tons (BOD,SS, or TKN) = Tonsc XFlowm FlowcFlowc (Tonsc) = Measured Flow (tons) through the commonstation, less the Infiltration Credit Allowance,if applicable.Flowm = Flow attributed to given Connector.
The annual Flows and Loadings attributable to each Connector shall then be computed as follows: Flow = Flowc XFlowe Flowte TonseTons (BOD,SS, or TKN) = Tonsc X TonsteFlowc (Tonsc) = Measured Flow (tons) through the commonstation, less the Infiltration Credit Allowance,if applicable.
Brooks, T.F. and Marcolini, M.A., 1985, “Scaling of Airfoil Self-Noise Using Measured Flow Parameters”.
As discussed above, NJDEP guidance criteria is typically published in two forms, gpd / capita and gpd / capita / inch mile.Table 3 compares the Theoretical Flows (utilizing parcel information multiplied by the NJDEP Design Flow Criteria for a 3-bedroom dwelling - 300 gpd) expected from each sub-basin versus the Measured Flow from each sub-basin drainage area.
Method HR-B-01— Monitored Temperatures, Measured Flow are discussed in this section.
G.G., Krupar, M.J., Hughes, C.E., and Woodward, R.P., “Fan Source Diagnostic Test–LDV Measured Flow Field Results,” AIAA–2002–2431, June 2002.
These differences in vessel T and Tavg can result from several factors, two of them being measured RCS loopflows greater than Minimum Measured Flow and asymmetric power distributions between quadrants.
G.P., Krupar, M.J., Hughes, C.E., and Woodward, R.P., “Fan Noise Source Diagnostic Test—LDV Measured Flow Field Results,” AIAA–2002–2431.
Maximum Flow Scenario – Measured Flow in Los Angeles River at USGS Gage No. 11092450 vs.
For example: Figure 2.3 Measured Flow Cross Section In this instance, the stack inner diameter is 65 inches.