Examples of Measurement Period 2 in a sentence
After completing the PFS Impact Estimate analysis of the PFS Outcome Metrics during Measurement Period 1 and Measurement Period 2, the Independent Evaluator will send a written PFS Outcome Metrics Results Report, described below, to all members of the Executive Committee and Operations Committee.
During Measurement Period 2, the Independent Evaluator will determine the PFS Impact Estimates for the Healthy Birth Intervals and Child Injury PFS Outcome Metrics using the subset of the Sample Members whose data is observable and available at the time.
Specifically, there are three criteria that seek to evaluate the share price of potential Pilot Securities: (1) a closing price of at least $2.00 on the last day of the Measurement Period; (2) a closing price on every U.S. trading day during the Measurement Period that is not less than $1.50; and (3) a Size Pilot if their share price falls to $1.00 or less during the Pilot Period.
Item 4 is still an area needing improvement while Item 5 met its goal of 66% in Measurement Period 2 at 67.5% and Item 6 met its goal of 52% in Measurement Period 1 at 57.5%.Note: see Appendix I for additional data.
The multiple will depend on the EBITDA achieved based on the following schedule:• $0 to $500K – 2.5x• $501K to $750K – 3.5x• $750K to $1M – 4.5x• $1.001M to $1.250M – 5.5x• $1.251M to $1.454M – 6.5x The Earn Out payment will be reduced by the $3.5M Cash at Close payment and the$.5M Seller Note Earn Out – Measurement Period #2 Second Year Anniversary At the second-year anniversary, the same exercise (using the same metrics) will be applied.
During Measurement Period 2, the Independent Evaluator will determine the PFS Impact Estimates for the Healthy Birth Intervals and Child Injury PFS Outcome Metrics using the subset of the Sample Members whose data is observable and DYDLODEOH DW WKH WLPH 7KHVH GDWD SRLQWV Z calculate Success Payment 2 pursuant to Annex I.
For example, if the Period 2 Overage is $[****] and the Period 1 Overage was $[****], the Contingent Consideration payable with respect to Measurement Period 2 would be $[****], calculated as follows: ([****]/[****]) = [****] x $20,000,000 = $[****].
Measurement Period 1 is January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 Measurement Period 2 is January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 Measurement Period 3 is January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 At the end of each Measurement Period, the Company’s and each Peer Group company’s EBITDA growth for such period will be calculated.
Measurement Period 1 is January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 Measurement Period 2 is January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 Measurement Period 3 is January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 At the end of each Measurement Period, the Company’s and each Peer Group company’s EBITDA growth for such period will be calculated.
Measurement Period 1 is January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 Measurement Period 2 is January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 Measurement Period 3 is January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 At the end of each Measurement Period, the Company’s and each Peer Group company’s EBITDA growth for such period will be calculated.