Medical certifier definition

Medical certifier means an Iowa-licensed physician, physician assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or medical examiner who attests that the death event has taken place and who determines the cause and manner of death.
Medical certifier for a death or fetal death means an

More Definitions of Medical certifier

Medical certifier means a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner li- censed under the laws of this state or under the laws of Washington, Idaho or California who has treated a decedent within the 12 months preceding death.
Medical certifier means a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner li-
Medical certifier for a death or fetal death means an individual required to attest to the cause of death information provided on a report of death or fetal death. Each individual certifying cause of death or fetal death may certify cause of death only as permitted by that individual's professional scope of practice. These individuals include:
Medical certifier means a physi- cian, physician assistant or nurse practi-
Medical certifier means a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner licensed
Medical certifier means a physician, physician assistant or