Medication definition
Examples of Medication in a sentence
These services are to be provided by a registered or certified substance use disorder counselor or Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts (LPHA) and will include the following components: Intake, Individual and Group Counseling, Family Therapy, Patient Education, Medication Services, Collateral Services, Crisis Intervention Services, Treatment Planning, and Discharge Services.
Yes No Allergies or Reactions Explain Medication Food Yes No Allergies or Reactions Explain Plants Insect bites/stings List all medications currently used, including any over-the-counter medications.
Medical restrictions to participate Yes No Allergies or Reactions Explain Yes No Allergies or Reactions Explain Medication Plants Food Insect bites/stings Height (inches) Weight (lbs.) BMI Blood Pressure Pulse / Normal Abnormal Explain Abnormalities Eyes Ears/nose/throat Lungs Heart Abdomen Genitalia/hernia Musculoskeletal Neurological Skin issues Other I certify that I have reviewed the health history and examined this person and find no contraindications for participation in a Scouting experience.