Examples of School physician in a sentence
The Athletic Trainer in cooperation with the School physician and coach will develop programs to maintain conditioning, and recondition the athlete after injury.
The School physician will serve in advisory capacity to the Sick Leave Committee.
The University of Minnesota Medical School physician- faculty practice group, organized in 1996 as the University of Minnesota Physicians (UMP), exists for the purposes of enabling the Medical School to carry out its mission by providing quality care to patients, supporting quality instruction to medical students and post-M.D. graduate medical education students, and supporting medical and scientific research.
The School physician will make the determination of the employee’s eligibility for donated time under the “catastrophic illness or injury” definition provided above.
Concussion Management 8.Write and update annually student individualized health care plans (IHP’s) and individualized emergency health care plan (IEHP’s) forstudent’s medical needs and instruction of staff.(N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3 (b) 5(xiii)) 4Attachment S4 9.Establish, annually review and implement Standards of Care/Collaborative Standing Orders with the School physician fordeliverance of daily and emergency health care(N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3 (b)xiE.
Director of facilities EPIDEMIC I) Contingency Plan: Emergency / First Aid Procedures II) Person authorized to take immediate action: - School nurse- School physician- Superintendent- Local District Emergency Disaster Coordinator III) Persons to be notified: Position SEQUENTIAL RESPONSE/ACTION PERSON(S)RESPONSIBLENECRESSARYRESOURCES 1.
The following items were approved District Goals; Statement of Assurance for NJQSAC; New semenster length curriculum guide; Marching Band to attend competition on October 14th; Merit Goal payment approval; School improvement panels for each school for 217-2018; Junior Thespian Society at Kumph; Out of district high school placement; School physician.
The Board shall pay the cost not to exceed the standard fee paid to the School physician.
School physician - A physician with a current license to practice medicine or osteopathy from the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners who works under contract or as an employee of the Board.
Austin Dell Medical School physician employees provide clinical inpatient and outpatient services and related clinical administrative services for Seton 162b Entities at facilities owned and operated by, or affiliated with, Seton Family of Hospitals.