Drugs definition
Examples of Drugs in a sentence
This list does not include all of the Preferred Brand Name Drugs.
Generic Drugs offer Participants the lowest available Copayment Amount.
When necessary to fill a partial Prescription Order to permit synchronization, BCBSTX will prorate the Copayment Amount or Coinsurance Amount due for Covered Drugs based on the proportion of days the reduced Prescription Order covers to the regular day supply outlined in your Schedule of Coverage.
The Pharmacy Benefits section of Your Policy is amended by adding the following provision: Once every 12 months, you will be able to synchronize the start time of certain Covered Drugs used for treatment and management of a chronic illness so they are refilled on the same schedule for a given time period.
Where Legend Drugs and devices are dispensed under Prescription Orders to the general public by a pharmacist licensed to dispense such drugs and devices under the laws of the state in which he practices.