Examples of Meter Multiplier in a sentence
By 6:00 p.m. two days preceding a Trading Day, the ISO will calculate, and post on WEnet, an estimated Generation Meter Multiplier for each electrical bus at which one or more Generating Units may supply Energy to the ISO Controlled Grid.
The ISO shall calculate the Generation Meter Multiplier for each Generating Unit location in a given hour by subtracting the Scaled Marginal Loss Rate from 1.0.
All Generating Units supplying Energy to the ISO Controlled Grid at the same electrical bus shall be assigned the same Ex Post Generation Meter Multiplier.
Notwithstanding any other provision in the ISO Tariff, including the ISO Protocols, in determining whether a Schedule is a Balanced Schedule, no allowance shall be made for Transmission Losses (i.e. the Generation Meter Multiplier shall be set at 1.0) for the PX and all other Scheduling Coordinators.
All Generating Units supplying Energy to the ISO Controlled Grid at the same electrical bus shall be assigned the same Generation Meter Multiplier.
Any difference between scheduled and Ex Post Transmission Losses will be considered as an Imbalance Energy deviation and will be purchased or sold in the Real Time Market at the Settlement Interval Ex Post Price. Methodology for Calculating Generation Meter Multiplier.
Notwithstanding any other provision in the ISO Tariff, including the ISO Protocols, in determining whether a Schedule is a Balanced Schedule, no allowance shall be made for Transmission Losses (i.e., the Generation Meter Multiplier shall be set at 1.0) for all Scheduling Coordinators.
Inter-Scheduling Coordinator Energy Trades will not be subject to such adjustments, beyond the impact of GMMs on the respective Scheduling Coordinator’s Generation and external imports. Procedures for Calculating Generation Meter Multiplier.
The total Demand that may be served by a Generating Unit, in a given hour, taking account of Transmission Losses, is equal to the product of the total Metered Quantity of that Generating Unit in that hour and the Generation Meter Multiplier calculated by the ISO in the hour for that Generator location.
The Generation Meter Multiplier shall be greater than one (1) where the Generating Unit’s contribution to the ISO Controlled Grid reduces Transmission Losses and shall be less than one (1) where the Generating Unit’s contribution to the system increases Transmission Losses.