Metro Bank definition
Examples of Metro Bank in a sentence
Challenger banks hit the news headlines in 2019 with Metro Bank and TSB Bank both suffering adverse publicity and falling customer numbers.
In the event of default of any individual Partner loan, the Group guarantees to repay the full amount of the loan, with the exception of Metro Bank plc, where 50% of the loan is guaranteed.
You, the Trustees, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Metro Bank (as the case may be) and we agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Note that we do not offer a Direct Debit facility.For Minerva SIPP or SIPP Lite schemes, payments should be made direct to your individual designated Metro Bank plc account (the unique account details should have been advised to you).For Flexi SIPP schemes, payments should be made payable to the name of your Flexi SIPP scheme - do not use any other account details as your contribution will be rejected.
Save as expressly provided, nothing in these Terms shall confer on any third party except for the Trustees and The Royal Bank of Scotland and Metro Bank (as the case may be) any benefit or the right to enforce any of these Terms.
In the event of default of any individual Partner loan, the Group guarantees to repay the full amount of the loan, with the exception of Metro Bank.
Metro Bank: How to help customers with complex income or are Self Employed Paul will discuss the changing trends in the self-employed market place and how Metro Bank can support those customers with complex income, whether it’s contractors or those looking for later life lending, through its individual case underwriting and market leading online portal.
This verification is split into two parts; to satisfy the requirements of IPM which is done by your IFA completing a verification of identity form and on behalf of Metro Bank to establish your trustee bank account by receiving certified copies of documentation confirming your identity.
LC-05 BANKING FACILITIES Most rural banks are available at nearby of the project area while major banking facilities are found in Dumaguete City like; Development Bank of the Philippines, Land Bank of the Philippines, Philippine National Bank, Bank of the Philippine Island, Allied Bank, Bank of Commerce, Metro Bank and other private banks.
Upon vacating such premises, the Assuming Institution shall be liable for relinquishing and releasing to the Receiver such Module 1 – Whole Bank w/ Loss Share – P&A 20 Metro Bank of Dade County Version 2.07 Miami, Florida June 10, 2010 premises and the Fixtures and the Furniture and Equipment located thereon which existed at the time of Bank Closing, in the same condition as at Bank Closing, and at the premises where it was inventoried at Bank closing, normal wear and tear excepted.