Examples of Mine opening in a sentence
Mine opening blasting—Blasting conducted for the purpose of constructing a shaft, slope, drift or tunnel mine opening for an underground mine, either operating or under development from the surface down to the point where the mine opening connects with the mineral strata to be or being extracted.
Except for one drill location, which is off claim on an existing roadbed to avoid the surface disturbance associated with construction of a new road, the proposed drilling operations, rock chip sampling, and Ella Mine opening will occur on Golden Hand No. 1 and No. 2 lode mining claims (EIS, Section 2.4.3).
Mine opening capital expenditures are included in the MM&A financial model.
In case of newly opened small mines, copy of Mine opening notice as submitted to the Regional Inspector and concurrence of appointment of Mine Manager and /or relevant details to understand the existence of mines under Mines Act, 1952.
Mine opening requires the resettlement of certain parts of Radljevo, Kalenic, Sarbane and Brgule settlements, relocation of the road Kalenic – Radljevo and relocation of river Kladnica with its tributaries.
Application of PSPCL has not been processed by CCO due to want of Mining Lease in the name of PSPCL.PSPCL applied for Mine opening Permission to CCO timely.
Now Mine opening permission can be obtained from CCO only on transfer of EnvironmentClearance and opening of Escrow account.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:* * * * *Mine opening blasting—Blasting conducted for the purpose of constructing a shaft, slope, drift or tunnel mine opening for an underground mine, either operating or under development, from the surface do w n to the point w here the mine opening connects w ith the coal seam to be or being ex- tracted.* * * * *Subchapter E.
With Trail Mountain Coal Mine opening up, the road will need to be looked at and reevaluated for the amount of coal tonnage hauled on this road.Questions about where the funds will come from to pay for the improvements and upkeep it will take to keep this road in good condition; the board recommends that the Emery County Commission approach the Wolverine Fuels’ Company to help pay some cost of the improvement and upkeep of the roads.
Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to God.