Mining Cadastre Office definition
Examples of Mining Cadastre Office in a sentence
The Mining Cadastre Office shall, according to administrative convenience, maintain an appropriate number of Zonal offices.
A Central Mining Cadastre Office with exclusive authority and jurisdiction over the whole of the country shall be established in Abuja as the headquarters of the Mining Cadastre Office.
Any notice required to be sent by the Mining Cadastre Office to an applicant for, or holder of a mineral title shall be sent by courier service or registered mail to the last known address in Nigeria of the mineral titleholder or given in person to an authorised representative of the applicant or holder of the mineral title in Nigeria or published in the Gazette.
In the execution of his functions and relationship with the Mining Cadastre Office, the Minister shall, at all times ensure the independence of the Mining Cadastre Office in regard to the discharge of its functions and operations under this Act.
In case of default of payment of the annual service fee due to the Mining Cadastre Office, the Mining Cadastre Office shall give a thirty day written default notice to the defaulting party and, if payment is not effected during that period, the Mining Cadastre Office shall record the default and revoke the mineral title.
Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), acting as receivers for LMC appointed by the secured lenders submitted an application for the transfer of the Large Scale Mining Licence ML 02/09 from LMC to TMC pursuant to section 119 of the Mines and Minerals Act of 2009 on 24th November 2014 to the Mining Cadastre Office of the National Minerals Agency (NMA) for the consideration of the Minerals Advisory Board (MAB).
Notes to applicants:● Contributors to this section may wish to cross-reference subsequent sections of the application narrative to assist in the writing of this executive summary.● The online application form limits entries to the word counts listed for each question.
A Central Mining Cadastre Office with exclusive authority and jurisdiction over the whole of the country shall be established in Abuja as the headquarters of the Mining Ca- dastre Office.
The Mining Cadastre Office shall, according to administrative conven- ience, maintain an appropriate number of Zonal offices.
Holders of a mineral title, other than the holder of a reconnaissance permit, shall pay an annual service fee to the Mining Cadastre Office equal to the number of Cadastral Units that comprise the title area multiplied by the fee per Cadastral Unit for that type of title.