Misconduct connected with work definition

Misconduct connected with work means an act of an employee which indicates an intentional disregard of the employer's interests or the commonly accepted duties, obligations and responsibilities of an employee. "Misconduct connected with work" does not include:

Related to Misconduct connected with work

  • Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. As used in this definition, (i) “fabrication” means making up data or results and recording or reporting them; (ii) “falsification” means manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record; and (iii) “plagiarism” means the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

  • Extraordinary unspecifiable services means services which are specialized and qualitative in nature requiring expertise, extensive training and proven reputation in the field of endeavor.

  • Commercial cannabis activity means the production, cultivation,

  • Protected wildlife means wildlife designated by the

  • Company’s workforce means the persons (and the dependants of those persons) engaged whether as employees, agents or contractors in the construction and operation of the facilities to be established pursuant to approved proposals;

  • Interrelated Wrongful Acts means all Wrongful Acts that have as a common nexus any fact, circumstance, situation, event, transaction, cause or series of related facts, circumstances, situations, events, transactions or causes.

  • Outside Activity means any private practice, private consulting, additional teaching or research, or other activity, compensated or uncompensated, which is not part of the employee's assigned duties and for which the University has provided no compensation.

  • Terminated Without Cause means termination of the Executive’s employment by the Company other than due to death, disability, or Termination for Cause.

  • Disinterested witness means a witness other than the spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandchild, grandparent, or guardian of the individual who makes, amends, revokes, or refuses to make an anatomical gift, or another adult who exhibited special care and concern for the individual. The term does not include a person to which an anatomical gift could pass under Section 44‑43‑350.

  • Coordinated with means that goods or services provided for the benefit of a

  • Established business relationship means a relationship between a seller and a consumer based on:

  • Serious Misconduct means any misconduct identified as a ground for termination in the Motorola Code of Business Conduct, or the human resources policies, or other written policies or procedures.

  • Competing Product or Service means any product or service that is sold in competition with, or is being developed and that will compete with, a product or service developed, manufactured, or sold by Fiserv. For purposes of this Section 5, Competing Products or Services as to you are limited to products and/or services with respect to which you participated in the development, planning, testing, sale, marketing or evaluation on behalf of Fiserv during any part of your employment with Fiserv, or after the termination of your employment, during any part of the 24 months preceding the termination of your employment with Fiserv, or for which you supervised one or more Fiserv employees, units, divisions or departments in doing so.

  • Service activities means activities in connection with the provision of personal, continuing services to shareholder accounts in the Shares; provided, however, that if the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (“NASD”) adopts a definition of “service fee” for purposes of Section 2830(b)(9) of the NASD Conduct Rules or any successor provision that differs from the definition of “service activities” hereunder, or if the NASD adopts a related interpretive position intended to define the same concept, the definition of “service activities” in this paragraph shall be automatically amended, without further action of the parties, to conform to the then effective NASD definition. Overhead and other expenses related to “distribution activities” or “service activities,” including telephone and other communications expenses, may be included in the information regarding amounts expended for these activities.

  • Developed with mixed funding means development was accomplished partially with costs charged to indirect cost pools and/or costs not allocated to a government contract, and partially with costs charged directly to a government contract.

  • Substantial business relationship means the extent of a business relationship necessary under applicable state law to make a guarantee contract issued incident to that relationship valid and enforceable. A guarantee contract is issued "incident to that relationship" if it arises from and depends on existing economic transactions between the guarantor and the owner or operator.

  • Academic Misconduct means an act described in s. UWS 14.03.

  • fishing related activities means any operation in support of, or in preparation for, fishing, including the landing, packaging, processing, transshipping or transporting of fish that have not been previously landed at a port, as well as the provisioning of personnel, fuel, gear and other supplies at sea;

  • Restructuring related costs means reasonably incurred costs

  • Competing Activities means the same or similar services as Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd is providing to the Restaurant under this Agreement or other activities having a similar purpose.

  • Current significant investigative information means investigative information that a licensing board, after an inquiry or investigation that includes notification and an opportunity for the audiologist or speech-language pathologist to respond, if required by state law, has reason to believe is not groundless and, if proved true, would indicate more than a minor infraction.

  • Competing Activity means the providing of services or performance of activities for a Competitive Enterprise in a line of business that is similar to any line of business to which the Executive provided services to the Firm in a capacity that is similar to the capacity in which the Executive acted for the Firm while employed by the Firm, and (ii) “Competitive Enterprise” shall mean a business (or business unit) that (A) engages in any activity or (B) owns or controls a significant interest in any entity that engages in any activity, that in either case, competes anywhere with any activity in which the Firm is engaged up to and including the Executive’s Date of Termination. Further, notwithstanding anything in this Section 5, the Executive shall not be considered to be in violation of this Section 5 solely by reason of owning, directly or indirectly, any stock or other securities of a Competitive Enterprise (or comparable interest, including a voting or profit participation interest, in any such Competitive Enterprise) if the Executive’s interest does not exceed 5% of the outstanding capital stock of such Competitive Enterprise (or comparable interest, including a voting or profit participation interest, in such Competitive Enterprise).

  • licensed activities means things authorised to be done by the licence

  • Relevant Force Majeure Event means a Force Majeure Event in relation to which an Affected Party is claiming relief under this Clause 17; and

  • member of the work-related activity group means a person who has or is treated as having limited capability for work under either—

  • Economic activities shall in principle include activities of an industrial, commercial and professional character and activities of craftsmen;