Examples of Competing Product or Service in a sentence
The term “wholly unrelated” shall mean among other things that the Executive will not work in, consult with, cooperate with or provide information to any person, department or business segment of the Competing Organization which is researching, acquiring, producing, distributing, providing, investigating, developing, manufacturing, marketing, supervising, licensing or commercializing any Competing Product or Service.
For purposes of this Agreement, “Competing Organization” means persons or organizations, including Executive, engaged in, or about to become engaged in research or development, production, distribution, marketing, providing or selling of a Competing Product or Service.
Work, directly or indirectly for, or provide Competing Products or Services to, anyone engaged in the sale, promotion, manufacture, or distribution of any Competing Product or Service developed by or on behalf of Intrepid during your employment.
The term ‘“wholly unrelated” shall mean among other things that the Employee will not work in, consult with, cooperate with or provide information to any person, department or business segment of the Competing Organization which is researching, acquiring, producing, distributing, providing, investigating, developing, manufacturing, marketing, supervising, licensing or commercializing any Competing Product or Service.
I agree that it shall be considered a prohibited act of interference for me to use the Company's trade secrets to participate in soliciting, encouraging, or inducing a customer (a) to obtain a Competing Product or Service elsewhere, or (b) to stop or reduce doing business with the Company, except where such conduct is expressly authorized in writing by an authorized officer of the Company.