Modeled After definition

Modeled After means the Article is substantially the same as the cited regulation.

Examples of Modeled After in a sentence

  • All Student Data or any other Education Records (as defined on Exhibit “C”) transmitted to the Provider pursuant to this Agreement is and will continue to be the 1 Modeled After The Student Data Privacy Consortium’s Set Of Baseline Model Clauses property of and under the control of the LEA, or to the party who provided such data (such as the student or parent.).

  • That rule “allows first-filers to retain their exclusivity by settling.” Chika Seidel, Comment, Settlement Should be the End of Story: A Proposed Procedure to Settle Hatch-Waxman Paragraph IV Litigations Modeled After Rule 23 Class Action Settlement Procedure, 46 Seton Hall L.

  • In the event of a conflict, definitions used in this DPA shall prevail over terms used in all other writings, including, but not limited to, the Service Agreement, privacy policies or 1 Modeled After The Student Data Privacy Consortium’s Set Of Baseline Model Clauses DocuSign Envelope ID: BC7CFAA4-1B2E-4AF8-A9E4-DF22C8322FE1 any terms of service with respect to the treatment of Student Data.

  • Discussion Initiated By Councilman Alexander To Adopt Public Art Guidelines For Developers, Modeled After The City Of Suwanee Background: The City of Suwanee, like Hapeville, has a public arts program.

  • In the event of a conflict, definitions used in this DPA shall prevail over terms used in all other writings, including, but not limited to, the Service Agreement, privacy policies or 1 Modeled After The Student Data Privacy Consortium’s Set Of Baseline Model Clauses any terms of service with respect to the treatment of Student Data.

  • Allow for a Deferral of Payment of Estate Taxes Modeled After the Regulations for Annuities for Non-U.S.-Citizen Spouses That Qualify for the Marital Deduction.

  • Habitability Plans Modeled After the City of Los Angeles’ Practice (RBC Simon-Weisberg) 8.

  • In the event of a conflict, definitions used in this DPA shall prevail over terms used in all other writings, including, but not limited to, the Service Agreement, privacy policies or 1 Modeled After The Student Data Privacy Consortium’s Set Of Baseline Model Clauses DocuSign Envelope ID: FC43EF30-2E23-4E58-88F8-67FC681E7BC5 any terms of service with respect to the treatment of Student Data.

  • And “[o]utcomes of drug patent infringement suits are notoriously unpredictable and error prone.” Chika Seidel, Comment, Settlement Should Be the End of the Story: A Proposed Procedure to Settle Hatch-Waxman Paragraph IV Litigations Modeled After Rule 23 Class Action Settlement Procedure, 46 SETON HALL L.

  • Allow for a Time Extension for Payment of the Estate Tax Attributable to an Annuity Modeled After IRC §§ 6163 and 6166.

Related to Modeled After

  • Vesting Commencement Date means the Grant Date or such other date selected by the Committee as the date from which an Award begins to vest.

  • Construction Commencement Date means the date set out in the Addendum, if applicable, by which you must commence construction of the Hotel. For the Hotel to be considered under construction, youmust have begun to pour concrete foundations for the Hotel or otherwise satisfied any site-specific criteria for “under construction” set out in the Addendum.

  • Measurement Date means the most recent Payment Date specified in the first column of the Cumulative Net Loss Rate Table.

  • SPS AER Value means the Underlying Reference Value.

  • Service Date or "SD" means the date service is made available to the End User Customer. This also is referred to as the "Due Date."

  • Distribution Commencement Date means the Issue Date or such other date as may be specified as the Distribution Commencement Date on the face of such Perpetual Security;

  • Time Block means a time block of 15 minutes, for which specified electrical parameters and quantities are recorded by special energy meter, with first time block starting at 00.00 hrs;

  • Closed Position means the opposite of an Open Position.

  • Construction Completion Date or “Completion Date” means the date by which the overall Development of the Project is completed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and when the Completion Certificate is issued by the Authority as per Article 14.1.

  • Opium poppy means the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., except its seeds.

  • Commercial Operation Date means the date on which a Material Project is substantially complete and commercially operable.

  • Date of Commercial Operation or “COD” means

  • Commercial Operations Date or "COD": The date on which Facility first achieves Commercial Operations.