South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
AT&T MISSISSIPPI means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Mississippi.
New Mexico CANCELLATION section is amended as follows: If You are the original purchaser of this Agreement, You may return this Agreement and receive a refund if: (i) You have not made a claim under the Agreement; and (ii) You return this Agreement within twenty days after the date We mail You a copy of the Agreement or within ten days after You receive a copy of the Agreement if We furnish You with the copy at the time the Agreement is purchased. We may not cancel this Agreement without providing You with written notice at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date of cancellation. Such notice shall include the effective date of cancellation and the reason for cancellation. If this Agreement has been in force for a period of seventy (70) days, We may not cancel it before the expiration of the Agreement term or one (1) year, whichever occurs first, unless: 1) You fail to pay any amount due; 2) You are convicted of a crime which results in an increase in the service required under the Agreement; 3) You engage in fraud or material misrepresentation in obtaining this Agreement; or 4) You commit any act, omission, or violation of any terms of this Agreement after the effective date of this Agreement which substantially and materially increases the service required under this Agreement. A ten percent (10%) penalty per month (or each portion thereof) shall be applied to refunds not paid or credited within sixty (60) days of receipt of a returned Agreement.
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Garden State Growth Zone or "growth zone" means the four
AT&T KENTUCKY means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Kentucky.
State Energy Commission means The State Energy Commission of Western Australia as described in section 7 of the State Energy Commission Xxx 0000;
AT&T LOUISIANA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Louisiana.
Community basin means an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond, established in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.2(c)14, that is designed and constructed in accordance with the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, or an alternate design, approved in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), for an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond and that complies with the requirements of this chapter.
AT&T KANSAS means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Kansas.
AT&T OKLAHOMA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Oklahoma.
State Forester means the State Forester or the duly authorized representative of the State Forester.
State purchased health care or "health care" means medical
State waters means all water, on the surface and under the ground, wholly or partially within or bordering the Commonwealth or within its jurisdiction, including wetlands.
AT&T SOUTH CAROLINA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in South Carolina.
Michigan state housing development authority means the public body corporate and politic created by Section 21 of the State Housing Development Authority Act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1421.
AT&T ILLINOIS means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Illinois.
California Renewables Portfolio Standard means the renewable energy program and policies codified in California Public Utilities Code Sections 399.11 through 399.31 and California Public Resources Code Sections 25740 through 25751, as such provisions may be amended or supplemented from time to time.
CPN is a Common Channel Interoffice Signaling ("CCIS") parameter which refers to the number transmitted through a network identifying the calling party.
State public body means any city, town, incorporated village, county, metropolitan district, or other subdivision or public body of the state.
Community land trust means a community housing development organization whose (i) corporate
AT&T-21STATE means the AT&T owned ILEC(s) doing business in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.
Enterprise zone means a neighborhood enterprise zone designated under the neighborhood enterprise zone act, 1992 PA 147, MCL 207.771 to 207.787.
Georgia means the territory recognised by the international community within the state borders of Georgia, including land territory, internal waters and territorial sea, the air space above them, in respect of which Georgia exercises its sovereignty, as well as the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf adjacent to its territorial sea, in respect of which Georgia may exercise its sovereign rights in accordance with the international law;
Virginia real estate investment trust means a real estate investment trust, as defined in 26 U.S.C.
third State means a State not a party to the treaty;