Motor vehicle fleet definition

Motor vehicle fleet means a group of motor vehicles that
Motor vehicle fleet means a group of motor

Examples of Motor vehicle fleet in a sentence

  • The reductions, and anticipated future reductions, are due tothe following permanent and enforceable measures.Programs Currently in Effect(a) National Low Emission Vehicle (NLEV);(b) Motor vehicle fleet turnover with new vehicles meeting the Tier 2 standards; and,(c) Clean Diesel Program.West Virginia has demonstrated that the implementation of permanent enforceable emissions controls have reduced local VOC and NOX emissions.

  • Other Revenues 2004 2003 $’000$’000Contribution towards Public hospital costs137 200132 489Superannuation contributions–56 414Guarantee Fees17 37017 187Repayment of Advances33 99568 091Repayment of equity capital contributions–16 000Light Motor vehicle fleet – rental payment recoveries4 8546 958Essential Services Commission of SA4 9243 272Other21 80218 270Total Other Revenues220 145318 681 37.

  • The California State Water Resources Control Board, the California Office of Administrative Law, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must approve the proposed project.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: Less Than PotentiallySignificant With Less Than Issues:Significant Impact Less Than SignificantPotentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant NoIssues: Impact Incorporation Impact Impact IV.

  • During the project period, the MD has taken a higher profile as an advocate for environmental protection in the Bay area, and we have been able to assist that.

  • The bifurcation of the position of stable equilibrium of the generalized rolling pendulum and the corresponding representative singular points of the type of the stable center is described, as well as the stratification and transformation of phase trajectories in the phase portrait of nonlinear dynamics of the generalized rolling pendulum in the Earth's gravitational field, and along curvilinear route in rotate vertical plane around vertical axis ar a constant angular velocity.

  • Follow-up review of Auditor-General Reports:• No. 11 of 2013-14: Compliance with the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Plan 2008-13;• No. 1 of 2013-14: Fraud control in local government;• No. 12 of 2013-14: Quality of Metro Services; and• No. 3 of 2014-15: Motor vehicle fleet management in government departments.• A draft report is under consideration by the Committee.

Related to Motor vehicle fleet

  • Motor vehicle fuel means gasoline and any other

  • Motor vehicle means land vehicles propelled other than by muscular power, such as automobiles, motorcycles, autocycles, and low speed vehicles. For the purposes of this definition, motor vehicle does not include farm equipment, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, motorized wheelchairs, go-carts, gas buggies, golf carts, ski-slope grooming machines, or vehicles that run only on rails or tracks.

  • Motor Vehicles means motor vehicles, tractors, trailers and other like property, whether or not the title thereto is governed by a certificate of title or ownership.

  • Motor vehicle surface means any pervious or impervious surface that is intended to be used by “motor vehicles” and/or aircraft, and is directly exposed to precipitation including, but not limited to, driveways, parking areas, parking garages, roads, racetracks, and runways.

  • Antique motor vehicle means every motor vehicle, as defined in this section, which was actually

  • Motor vehicle salesperson or "salesperson" means any person who is licensed as and employed as a

  • New motor vehicle means a motor vehicle, regardless of the mileage of the vehicle, the legal or

  • Motor vehicle dealer or "dealer" means any person who:

  • Franchised motor vehicle dealer means a dealer in new motor vehicles that has a franchise

  • Motor vehicle record or "MVR" means a driving record under Subsection 53-3-109(6)(a).

  • Used motor vehicle means any vehicle other than a new motor vehicle as defined in this section.

  • Regulated motor vehicle surface means any of the following, alone or in combination:

  • New motor vehicle dealer means a person, including a distributor, that holds a dealer agreement granted by a manufacturer, distributor, or importer for the sale or distribution of its motor vehicles; is engaged in the business of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in new motor vehicles; and has an established place of business in this state.

  • passenger vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a motor cycle or invalid carriage) constructed solely for the carriage of passengers and their effects and adapted to carry not more than twelve passengers exclusive of the driver, and not drawing a trailer;

  • Used motor vehicle dealer means a person that is engaged in the business of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in used motor vehicles and that has an established place of business in this state at which it conducts that business. The term does not include a new motor vehicle dealer purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in used motor vehicles as part of its business of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in new motor vehicles.

  • Independent motor vehicle dealer means a dealer in used motor vehicles.

  • Commercial motor vehicle means a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used in commerce to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:

  • Fleet Vehicle means one of a large group of New Vehicles sold to a Person (e.g., a rental car agency) which purchases in excess of ten (10) Vehicles per purchase contract for commercial use.

  • Your vehicle means an Eligible Vehicle purchased by You being the vehicle specified on the certificate of insurance.

  • Transit vehicle means a bus, rapid transit vehicle, railroad car, street railway car, water vehicle, taxicab, or other type of public transportation vehicle or individual unit, whether operated singly or in a group that provides public transportation.