Examples of Motor vehicle purchase in a sentence
For example, we did not have access to the Motor vehicle purchase agreement (MVPA), a document that consumers often sign before they buy a car.
Focusing on these actors in the specific setting of this study is relevant as it complements established literature on the critical role of international collaborations in science in the context of advanced economies (Balconi et al., 2004) with original insights from an underexplored empirical setting.
Motor vehicle purchase loans by subsidiaries and affiliates of banks and savings insti- tutions.Notwithstanding any statutory or case law, a subsidiary or affiliate of a bank or savings institution thatis not a licensee under the provisions of Chapter 15 (§ 6.2-1500 et seq.) may impose finance charges and other charges and fees at such rates and in such amounts and manner as the borrower has agreed on loans payable in installments for the purpose of financing the purchase of a motor vehicle.1987, c.
Motor vehicle lease (see section 102-34.25(b)) Motor vehicle markings (see "Motor vehicle identification" in this section) Motor vehicle purchase (see section 102-34.25(a)) Motor vehicle rental (see section 102-34.25(c)) Motor vehicles transferred from excess (see section 102-34.25(e)) Owning agency means the executive agency that holds the vehicle title, manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin, or is the lessee of a motor vehicle lease.
Motor vehicle purchase ( see § 102–34.25( a)).Motor vehicle ren tal ( see § 102–34.25( c)).Motor vehicles transferred from excess( see § 102–34.25( e)).Owning agency m e a n s t h e exec u t ive a ge n c y t h a t h olds t h e ve h icle t i t le, m a nufa c t ur e r’s Ce r t ific a t e of Or igi n , o r i s t h e lessee of a m o t o r ve h icle le a se.
The thesis can be written by one individual, or by two or three individuals together.
It could mean the police station nearest to which the taxi is located at a point in time, or nearest the location at which the business or driver is ordinarily located.
Based on our analysis of this rule there is no need to complete a Small Entity Economic Impact Statement as there is not an adverse impact.Section 92-01-02-29.3 is amended as follows: 92-01-02-29.3. Motor vehicle purchase or modification.
General Authority: NDCC 65-02-08Law Implemented: NDCC 65-05-07(5)(b) REGULATORY ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED RULE Section: 92-01-02-29.3.Title of Rule: Motor vehicle purchase or modification.
Motor vehicle purchase means buying a motor vehicle from a commercial source, usually a motor vehicle manufacturer or a motor vehicle manufacturer's dealership.