Examples of Mount Simon Formation in a sentence
The deep aquifer system is in the Mount Simon Formation, which consists of Cambrian-age sandstone deposits.
If the FutureGen Alliance identifies a designated site or sites in Illinois suitable for injection of captured CO2 into the Mount Simon Formation, then the Department shall be authorized to contract with the FutureGen Alliance, under terms not inconsistent with this Act, in order to define the rights and obligations of the FutureGen Alliance and the Department, including, but not limited to, the insurance and indemnification obligations under Sections 25 and 30 of this Act.
The Mount Simon Formation and lower part of the Eau Claire Formation comprise the lower bedrock aquifer.
Cambrian-age rocks encountered in Unit Well 13 include, in ascending order, the following units: Mount Simon Formation, Eau Claire Formation, Wonewoc Formation, and the Tunnel City Group.
The three RAT installations have also been distributed across three different azumuthal directions, providing CO2 arrival information for three of the four predicted lobes of the CO2 plume.The monitoring network will also include two Single-Level in-Reservoir (SLR) wells completed across the planned injection interval within the Mount Simon Formation to continuously and directly measure for pressure, temperature, and specific conductance (P/T/SpC) over the injection and post-injection monitoring periods.
The Region summarized its rationale in the FutureGen Final Permits for the number and placement of monitoring wells as follows: The monitoring network (Figure 1) is a comprehensive network designed to detect unforeseen CO2 and brine leakage out of the inject zone and for the protection of USDWs. Central to this monitoring strategy is the measurement of CO2 saturation within the reservoir using three reservoir access tubes (RATs) extending through the Mount Simon Formation and into the Precambrian basement.
The results of the testing activities will be documented in a report and submitted to the EPA after the well drilling and testing activities have been completed but before the start of CO2 injection operations.Before drilling the injection wells, a vertical pilot hole will be drilled through the Mount Simon Formation at the injection well location to collect pre-operational characterization and testing data for the injection wells.
Number of Affiliated Companies Accounted for Equity Method : 10 (5)CHANGES UNDER APPLICATION OF CONSOLIDATED AND EQUITY METHODS(a) Newly Consolidated 4(b) Excluded from the Consolidation Scope : 6(c) Excluded from the Equity Method Application : 7 2.
The results are collectively contributing to our project objectives, and to our collaborative goal of identifying implications of geomechanical weakening on induced microseismicity in the Mount Simon Formation.
The HRA concluded that all such issues can be addressed and if necessary, mitigated against and that LDP will have no likely significant effect, either alone or in combination, on any European sites..