Examples of Clinical record in a sentence
Clinical record information is safe- guarded against loss or unauthorized use.
Operations for Service Documentation450:27-5-21 Clinical record keeping system450:27-5-22 Clinical record system; basic requirements 450:27-5-23 Record access for clinical staff Part 5.
The committee will consider and compare the referees' arguments (also among each other) and examine whether the rebuttal contains a well-formulated response to the critical comments from the referees' reports.Furthermore, the committee, unlike the referees, assesses the quality of all proposals and rebuttals submitted.
Operations for Service Documentation [REVOKED]450:27-5-21 Clinical record keeping system [REVOKED]450:27-5-22 Clinical record system; basic requirements [REVOKED]450:27-5-23 Record access for clinical staff [REVOKED] Part 5.
History-taking, clinical examination and presentation of findings Poor Adequate Good Excellent Not Observed N/A Clinical judgement and decision-making skills Poor Adequate Good Excellent Not Observed N/A Clinical record keeping skills Poor Adequate Good Excellent Not Observed N/A Clinical skills Poor Adequate Good Excellent Not Observed N/A Additional comments on clinical skills and knowledge base in the applicant’s requested scope of clinical practice.