Examples of MPS District in a sentence
These increases were primarily due to an increase in the recovery of increased transmission plant in service.The MPS District electric service territory is not connected to the New England bulk power system and it is not a member of ISO-NE.
The MPS District has begun offering a Universal Free Breakfast program to its schools.
MPS District is not a party to the previously discussed ROE complaints at the FERC.Stranded Cost RecoveriesStranded cost recoveries in Maine are set by the MPUC.
The explanation of such discrepancy lies in the definition of religious practitioners.
This information is also shared bi-‐annually with the Community Education Community Advisory Council and with MPS District employees through the MPS Superintendent’s “Key Performance Indicator” process.
Mr. Boyd asked for clarification that the addition of VIII.C. MPS District Issues/News, that the words are a placeholder and will contain the specific topic name.
Table 4 indicates there is sufficient water supply sourced from SFPUC, the South San Francisco District groundwater supply, and the Bear Gulch District local surface water to supply their own Districts as well as the MPS District.
Primary Components:● Programs can serve students who attend non-MPS schools in Minneapolis but should prioritize MPS District students if possible.● Programs must be free of cost to families.● Programs must follow COVID-19 Health and Safety Best Practice Protocols as established by the MN Department of Health Program Activities8Minneapolis Public Schools1250 W.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Muskogee School District I-20 upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to APPROVE revisions to the MPS District Calendar for 2023-2024 SY as presented.
In the event of a dispute by an employee of the NYC Health + Hospitals ("H+H") concerning an alleged erroneous overpayment, the employee shall send notice of the appeal to both OLR and H+H's Office of the Vice President for Human Resources within 20 days of the notice by H+H of its intent to recoup said overpayment.